World Mangrove Day 2023
World Mangrove Day – July 26, 2023
– Mangrove forests grow only at tropical and subtropical latitudes near the equator because they cannot handle the freezing temperatures outside these regions.
World Mangrove Day – July 26, 2023
– Mangrove forests grow only at tropical and subtropical latitudes near the equator because they cannot handle the freezing temperatures outside these regions.
World Snake Day – July 16, 2023
– Snakes are the 2nd largest group of reptiles; lizards are the largest group.
World Chimpanzee Day – July 14, 2023
– The Chimpanzee inhabits the tropical savannas and forests of central and west Africa.
Don’t Step on a BEE Day! – July 10, 2023
– Bees have two stomachs – one stomach for eating and the other special stomach is for storing nectar collected from flowers or water so that they can carry it back to their hive.
World Meerkat Day – July 03, 2023
– Meerkats (Suricata suricatta) all pitch in helping to collect food, watch for predators and take care of the babies.
World Porcupine Day – July 02, 2023
– A baby Porcupine is called a ‘Porcupette’.
International Day of the Tropics – June 29, 2023
– In the tropical region where sunlight is usually intense, climate variation is not significant.
World Rainforest Day – June 22, 2023
– Rainforests cover only about 6% of the Earth’s surface, but they are home to over half of the world’s known plant and animal species.
World Camel Day – June 22, 2023
– Bactrian camels have two humps where fat is stored and converts to energy when needed.
World Giraffe Day – June 21, 2023
– No 2 Giraffes have the same pattern.
– Their patchwork coats also vary depending on the species.
World Albatross Day – June 19, 2023
– The Albatross rarely touches land except during breeding season.
World Crocodile Day – June 17,2023
– The saltwater Crocodile is the largest aquatic reptile on Earth.
– It has the strongest bite in the animal world.
Butterfly Education and Awareness Day – June 03, 2023
– Peacock Butterfly (Aglais io) is also known as the European Peacock
World Parrot Day – May 31, 2023
– There are almost 400 species of parrots in the world.
– There are 19 species of Macaws including several critically endangered species.
World Turtle Day – May 23, 2023
– The Snapping Turtle (Chelydra serpentina) is an aquatic turtle that prefers slow-moving, shallow bodies of water with muddy bottoms, which give them places to hide.
World Bee Day – May 20, 2023
– Without the actions of pollinators like the busy bee species around the world, agricultural economies, our food supply, & surrounding landscapes would collapse.
World Migratory Bird Day – May 14 , 2023
– Instinctively, migrating birds know where to migrate and how to navigate back home.
Frog Jumping Day – May 13, 2023
– Many Frogs can leap more than 20 times their body length.