Postman Butterfly

(Heliconius melpomene)
Postman Butterfly Information
- The passion flower vines they eat when young help them to store toxic chemicals they then retain for the rest of their lives as a deterrent from predators.
- This butterfly is poisonous and features red patterns on its wings as a warning to predators.
- What it looks like: The postman butterfly has large, long wings with an orange stripe down each forewing.
- What they eat: As caterpillars they’ll eat passion flower vines, while adults drink nectar and eat pollen.
- Where they live: Native to Mexico, this species can also be found living in Central and South America.
- Habitat: This species is associated with slow-flowing streams in pine or pine-oak forests.
- Threats: Habitat loss and pollution.
Conservation Status
Least Concern
ORDER: Lepidoptera
FAMILY: Nymphalidae
Information provided by:
Photographs provided by: Cyril Brass