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Postman Butterfly

Postman Butterfly

Postman Butterfly
Postman Butterfly

(Heliconius melpomene)

Postman Butterfly Information

  1. The passion flower vines they eat when young help them to store toxic chemicals they then retain for the rest of their lives as a deterrent from predators.
  2. This butterfly is poisonous and features red patterns on its wings as a warning to predators.
  3. What it looks like: The postman butterfly has large, long wings with an orange stripe down each forewing.
  4. What they eat: As caterpillars they’ll eat passion flower vines, while adults drink nectar and eat pollen.
  5. Where they live: Native to Mexico, this species can also be found living in Central and South America.
  6. Habitat: This species is associated with slow-flowing streams in pine or pine-oak forests.
  7. Threats: Habitat loss and pollution.

Conservation Status
Least Concern  

ORDER:  Lepidoptera
FAMILY:  Nymphalidae

Information provided by:

ZSL London Zoo

Photographs provided by: Cyril Brass

Postman Butterfly

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