Wildlife Around the World
Chameleons’ eyes are independently mobile, and because of this there are two separate, individual images that the brain is analyzing of the chameleon’s environment.
Elephant Appreciation Day 2017
Elephant Appreciation Day – September 22, 2017
International Red Panda Day 2017
International Red Panda Day – September 16, 2017
Red Pandas have a false thumb (an extended wrist bone) to help them climb trees and eat bamboo.
National Iguana Awareness Day 2017
National Iguana Awareness Day – September 08, 2017
– #NationalIguanaAwarenessDay
National Wildlife Day 2017
National Wildlife Day – September 06, 2017
– #NationalWildlifeDay
-There are +50 species of seagulls around the world. 4 main types are: Common Gull, Herring Gull, Little Gull & Yellow-legged Gull.
International Whale Shark Day 2017
International Whale Shark Day – August 30, 2017
– #InternationalWhaleSharkDay