Parrot Rescue Center of Costa Rica
Parrot Rescue Center of Costa Rica
Facebook: @parrotrescuecr
Instagram: parrotrescuecr

The Parrot Rescue Center of Costa Rica (PRC) is a 501(c)3, non profit rescue center that collaborates with the local Costa Rican Ministry of the Environment, and energy (MINAE).

Our primary focus is to rescue, rehabilitate and, whenever possible, release parrots that have been kept in captivity illegally. For those that unable to be released, we provide a permanent, safe environment that fulfils their physical, mental and social needs.

The parrots at our facility were either abandoned or confiscated, and then donated to us. Most were kept in extremely small cages, with metal rod perches, and subsisted on a diet of pure sunflower seeds. Some have developed behavioral disorders, while others have become too domesticated and lack the skills to forage for food or avoid natural predators. Several of our residents have sustained permanent physical disabilities due to collisions with vehicles, buildings or electric cables.