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Las Pumas Rescue Center

Las Pumas Rescue Center

Las Pumas Rescue Center  –  Costa Rica

Facebook: @CentroRescateLasPumas 

Instagram: laspumascr   

Las Pumas Rescue Center
Las Pumas Rescue Center
Las Pumas Rescue Center

Las Pumas Rescue Center is located near Cañas, Guanacaste. It was founded by a swiss couple, Werner Hagnauer and Lilly Bodmer, who arrived at Costa Rica in the 60s. Lilly always embraced a conservationist vision, so she started to rescue wildlife animals in the Guanacaste area and its surroundings. 

The natural habitat of many wild animals was reduced and many of them were captured by humans to keep them as illegal pets at home or use them for illegal marketing. She passed away in 2001 and, in order to continue her work, the Hagnauer Foundation was created in 2003; a non-profit organization in charge of the administration and financing of the Rescue Center and its programs (Conservation and Management of Wildlife, Environmental Education, Volunteer and Sponsorship).

Las Pumas Rescue Center

In 2015, Don Werner passed away leaving a great legacy for the conservation of the wildlife of our country. Our mission is to rescue, rehabilitate, and guarantee the quality of life of the wild fauna in Costa Rica which is in risk or dangerous situations; and also to motive the society through these actions of sensitivity, having respect and kind for the wild life. The places has two areas: the Rescue Shelter (with restricted access), and the Sanctuary where all visitors come and learn about the rescue of wildlife. Humans never are in contact with the animals.

Las Pumas Rescue Center
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