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Kids Saving the Rainforest

Kids Saving the Rainforest

Kids Saving the Rainforest – Costa Rica

Kids Saving the Rainforest – Costa Rica

Facebook: @KidsSavingtheRainforest

Twitter: @KSTRCR

Pinterest: Kids Saving the Rainforest Costa Rica

Instagram: kidssavingtherainforest

YouTube: Kids Saving the Rainforest

Kids Saving the Rainforest - Recued Two Toed Sloth
Rescued Two Toed Sloth

19 February 2019, Palo Alto, CA- Kids Saving the Rainforest (KSTR) is proud to announce it’s 20-year anniversary of protecting and rehabilitating wildlife, conducting scientific research, reforestation, training volunteers, and promoting conservation in Costa Rica.

Kids Saving the Rainforest - Rescued Tamandua
Rescued Tamandua

Started by two 9-year-old girls in 1999 with a roadside stand made of recycled cardboard boxes in Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica and a desire to save the rainforest from being cut down, Janine and Aislin gave 160 dollars to an organization to help save four acres of land.

After following up with the organization where they had donated to, it was clear that their money was misused.

This unfortunate situation inspired KSTR’s current President, Jennifer Rice (and mom to Janine), along with the two girls to create the 20-year, 501(C) 3 tax-deductible organization to ensure that anyone donating money to help the rainforest would know where their donations went.

Kids Saving the Rainforest - 3 toed sloth
Rescued Three toed sloth

Soon after, KSTR was asked to help save the critically endangered Titi (squirrel) monkeys and later sloths and other rainforest animals who were being harmed as a result of the ever-growing human population and their rainforest homes vanishing.

“We’re now rescuing 120 animals each year and are happy to report, Squirrel monkeys (called titi monkeys by locals) are no longer critically endangered,” Rice proudly said.

Fueled by the desire to save the Costa Rican rainforest and its inhabitants, KSTR has planted over 10,500 trees and built nearly 150 wildlife bridges over roads, which has prevented over 22 different wildlife species from getting hit by cars or getting electrocuted.

Twenty years later, KSTR is successfully helping to educate people around the world about the ecological importance of the rainforest through their onsite education center, tours, camp programs, and school outreach programs.

KSTR continues to reach out to businesses around the globe to help with their mission. Recently, as part of the worldwide Giving Tuesday initiative, KSTR successfully implemented a campaign to raise funds to purchase an inhalation anesthesia machine. Acquiring this machine for the clinic will ensure safer and pain free surgeries for the furry creatures they treat.  

Kids Saving the Rainforest - Scarlet Macaw
Scarlet Macaw

“I have been with KSTR since its inception and the most rewarding part is releasing any animal that has come into our care back into their natural habitat,” said Rice.

This incredible organization has captured the hearts of wildlife and conservation lovers from all over the world as evidenced by their enormous social following (e.g. 5k+ followers on Instagram, 9k+ followers on Facebook, 100k+ views on YouTube) and 14.8k+ unique website visitors each month.

Additionally, they’ve gained international attention from publications and organizations such as National Geographic, Teen People and the Huffington Post, to name a few. 

To celebrate its 20th year of saving the Costa Rican rainforest and wildlife, KSTR has two important goals, one is to plant 10,000 more trees over the next 18 months and the other is to acquire funds through donations to purchase their own wildlife ambulance so they can pick up injured, abandoned, or sick wildlife as quickly as possible after learning about their whereabouts.

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Kids Saving the Rainforest – Costa Rica

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