World Lizard Day 2022
World Lizard Day – August 14, 2022
-The Green Basilisks can run on their hind legs, using speed and the specialized scales on their feet,
World Lizard Day – August 14, 2022
-The Green Basilisks can run on their hind legs, using speed and the specialized scales on their feet,
National Sea Serpent Day – There are 69 species of Sea Snake that live in tropical & subtropical waters of the Pacific & Indian Oceans.
World Snake Day – July 16, 2022
-There are over 3,000 species of snakes found everywhere except in Antarctica, Iceland, Ireland, Greenland, & New Zealand.
0 to 8 Legged Animals
– from marine life to terrestrial creatures; from miniture insects to large mammals; from vertebrates to invertebrates
Tears for Crocodilia: Evolution, Ecology, & the Disappearance of One of the World’s Most Ancient Animals by Zach Fitzner. – The story that follows crocodilians.
World Crocodile Day – June 17,2022
-The difference between a crocodile & an alligator, is when a crocodile closes it’s mouth, all teeth are visible.
World Turtle Day – May 23, 2022
– #WorldTurtleDay
– Turtle shells are made mostly of bone; the upper part is the domed carapace, while the underside is the flatter plastron or belly-plate.
Rattlesnake Appreciation Day – January 28, 2022
– #RattlesnakeAppreciationDay
National Iguana Awareness Day – September 08, 2021
– Green Iguanas live in Central America, South America, Caribbean islands, and South Florida.
World Lizard Day – August 14, 2021
– #WorldLizardDay
– Most lizards have the ability to swim. However the Green Basilisk lizard can run on water!
World Crocodile Day – June 17, 2021
– Crocodiles are large semiaquatic reptiles that live in the tropical regions of Africa, Asia, the Americas & Australia.